Sunday, October 25, 2009

What I've been missing

I haven't been to Sunday School or Relief Society for about two months. Because my mom's sacrament meeting is at 11 a.m. I've been going to her rehab center to take her to church. That has made me miss my own meetings. Today my sister went to church with my mom (thanks Sissy!) so I got to go to part of my meetings. I missed my own sacrament meeting because of a stake meeting (so my Sundays are pretty crazy, see?) but I took the sacrament at 11 in another ward in our building. So in between all of this I got to go to about 20 minutes of Sunday School and about 3/4 of Relief Society. I sat in both meetings realizing I have missed not only the instruction but the edification that small bits of these meetings provide, whether by the teacher, people's comments or the Spirit.

I'm a fidgety person and it's hard for me to pay attention sometimes but ... what was I saying? Oh, anyway, today made me realize I really love having the opportunity to at least be fidgety while trying to discern something spiritual to use in my life. I think Heavenly Father has a lot to tell each of us and if we aren't where we can get the messages, we are going to lose out on valuable life instructions. I'm pretty sure He understands my need to serve my mom right now but I'll try harder to get to my other meetings so I don't miss what's there just for me.


  1. I think you are definitely excused from church to take care of your mommy.

  2. I agree with you. No matter what the teacher is like or what state of mind I'm in, there is alwasy something I can glean that will help me out during the week. I know Heavenly Father understands why you are where you are and my guess is he's happy about it.

    Is she staying in rehab much longer?
