Sunday, December 4, 2011

A few of my favorite things

This time of year brings mixed feelings for me but luckily the positive feelings outweigh the negative. Here are a few of my favorite things:

1) The smell of a live tree. I get kidded about having a live tree since I am all for environmentalism. I've even told Riley we could get a fake tree but he doesn't like that idea. So we buy a real tree. The thing that brings me the most joy is the smell. I love walking into my living room and having that smell. It reminds me of my childhood and of being in the woods with my dad. If we are ever driving through a pine forest, I roll the window down to breathe in the smell. Heaven.

2) Christmas lights. I don't care what color they are although I am partial to white. I love the twinkles, I love the brilliancy, I love the way it makes the night look different. Do we put them on our house? No. But I do love looking at other people's. And with our tree in the sunroom windows it always looks cheerful and bright against the darkness outside.

3) Thinking of what to buy people I love. I've scaled back a lot in the past few years. I think a few well-chosen, thoughtful gifts are enough. Kids don't need 20 things to open - they will only remember a few anyway so make them meaningful and long lasting, not plastic junk or dollar store crud. Then, with list in hand, I head out to stores or get online (see number 4) to find those special gifts.

4) Online shopping - what a wonderful invention! Surf, click, buy, open door, pick up box. LOVE it.

5) Food and baking - this starts before Thanksgiving when I start making pies. I don't make pecan pies very often but at Thanksgiving and Christmas they are a comfort food. So are jam thumbprints, pretzel/rolo turtles, and anything with chocolate - especially toffee! Mmmmm, my favorite.

6) Wearing Christmas-y things. Many years ago I had some pretty cheesy sweaters, vests and jewelry - you know the ones with big lightbulbs and lots of hanging ornaments. Someone could probably borrow those things now for "ugly Christmas sweater" parties. I even had a red and green sequined bow tie I wore. Laugh. Now, I have a few beloved Christmas pins - one is a silver Nativity scene, very small and precious; several are angels and one is my grandma Wheeler's Santa pin - antique with a soft white beard. I am careful with that one because it is old. I wear them with nice, plain white or red sweaters. In this case, less is more. My opinion. Others can wear what they want and I will smile.

7) I like how kind people are at this time of year. People in lines are a little nicer to each other, clerks greet customers more and wear elf and Santa hats, I get fun letters and cards in the mail, I get gifts from unexpected people (and I've learned to just say thank you and enjoy them, I don't have to stress about giving them a gift).

8) Christmas music. I am an "after Thanksgiving" listener. When I finally do turn on the Christmas music, I find joy in the words, melodies and messages. When else during the year can you hear "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me," or a lively version of "Sleigh Ride" - my personal favorite, on the radio? Christmas songs are joyful, you can understand the words and sing along. And most renditions are beautiful. Except that grandma/reindeer song.

9) Traditions - I love our family traditions: videotaping Riley bringing in the Christmas tree, making our favorite foods, stuffing Christmas stockings for my kids (still), making peppernuts with friends, reading the Christmas story on Christmas eve, eating ebilskivers on Christmas morning, playing a new family game, watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and so many others.

10) Snow. I love looking out the window in the morning to see new fallen snow. It's so quiet and makes everything look clean. And even though I like warm weather over cold, I like different aspects of winter - especially the definite changes from one season to the next.

And, last but not least, I love what this season represents - the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. What an amazing plan to send a tiny baby to earth - to learn, grow, teach and carry out his Father's plan. I have a deep abiding love for my elder brother and his mission on this earth. It's not a fairy tale or fable, it's not a conjured up story, it's reality. And keeping that in the forefront of my mind means I will have Christmas with me all the year through, not just this month.

Merry Christmas friends and family! If you read this, leave a comment on what some of your favorite things are during this season!


  1. So fun! Can't I just say "ditto?"

    One of my favorites is decorating the Christmas tree and getting to pull out all of the fun, sentimental ornaments from years past and remember why we picked them.

    Also having Christmas breakfast casserole on Christmas morning. We had that every year growing up.

    And now my new favorite is getting to play santa clause for the boys. It's not at all in line with the true meaning of Christmas, but there is just something so magical about Christmas morning when the boys wake up in pure joy to see what Santa left in their stockings and under the tree for them.

    Oh, and Christmas jammies on CHristmas Eve... I can't leave that out. :)

  2. did you know that you're leaving much less of a carbon foot print with a real tree than a fake one?? Not sure if that's true. Heard it on the radio :)
