Thursday, April 29, 2010

Turning the big 5-0!

I really don't feel 50 years old. My inner self is only about 14 so how can the outer be 50? It's been a fun ride. I could probably write several books with titles such as "Winning Radio Contests -- A Complete Guide to Never Paying for Anything," "Planning Spectacular Parties Using Movies, Colors or Haiku," "Pranks - Just Do 'Em" and "Why Alter Egos are More Fun Than Real Life" by Gladiola Wickiwack. I'm not sure why there's been so much craziness in my life - I blame my mother.

I've learned a few things along the way, some I should have learned early, early on. Maybe this list will help young mothers.

1) All the silverware in the drawer doesn't have to match. Neither do the towels.
2) It's not the presents that are important at birthdays and holidays - it's the people.
3) Don't waste money on cheap toys or good walking shoes. Choose wisely.
4) More than one person can be right and something can be done correctly more than one way.
5) There's never a reason to be rude.
6) God hears and answers prayers. Sometimes the answer is no. Then things work out anyway.
7) Exercise. Just enough.
8) Love your skin. If you are naughty to it, it changes and you won't like those changes.
9) Get enough calcium. You don't want to be the hunchback of Notre Dame when you are 75.
10) Spend money to make memories, not to have things.
11) The more we own, the more trapped we are by things we have to store, dust, insure, move, trip over, clean and organize.
12) Your mother was right. Stand up straight.
13) Protect your ears. Wear earplugs when blow drying or to sleep at girl's camp.
14) Doorbell ditch. Leave treats. (My address is ... )
15) You don't have to overindulge at buffets to get your money's worth.
16) Take care of your teeth. Floss the ones you want to keep.
17) Good people don't have to be churchy but churchy people should be good.
18) The world won't end if you miss trash day.
19) When kids make messes, don't get mad - take a picture. You'll have a fun memory to talk about later and pictures to show potential boyfriends/girlfriends.
20) Heaven is not going to be all white.
21) Don't teach someone how to do something and then go back and re-do it when they aren't looking. They'll notice.
22) Being on time is a show of respect to those running the show. But being late occasionally for a good reason isn't a crime.
23) Collect friends.
24) Sneak a drink out of the milk jug once in a while. No one is going to die.
25) Just be nice. Kindness is not overrated.

Well that's half of 50 - maybe I'll learn another 25 in the next 50 years. If you are reading this I must love you because I invited you here. Thanks for being a part of my first 50 years.


  1. Kaye, you're the greatest. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago and it was my best birthday ever
    . . . even though all the silverware in the drawer doesn't match, my linen closet is a festival of unmatched towels and sheets, the kids' rooms were no cleaner than usual, and I'm not at my prime weight. (My 20-year old self might have been aghast.) It's awesome that age can also bring new compassion for our selves and for everyone else--in our glorious, imperfect, fumbling pursuit of happiness. It's the imperfections that make people beautiful and endearing--not flawlessness. I don't have to HOPE your day is beautiful. . . I KNOW it will be! (It's the only kind of day you know how to have!)

    Sending love,

    PS: I am reminded that I have yet to e-mail you that paper about the "One Smithereen" project (wherein you are mentioned)! What better time than now?

  2. I really enjoyed turning 30 because it seemed I magically decided that many of the things I thought mattered didn't matter anymore. Only the most important things! You are showing me that 50 is even better! Wahoo! In essence you live "over the rainbow" every day!!!!!! You're the best!

  3. Love the list! My favorites...Spend money to make memories, not to have things. And...You don't have to overindulge at a buffett to get your moneys worth. Did you learn that from all of the Chuck-a-rama excursions?

  4. What a fabulous post! Happy Birthday Kaye, I hope you have a spectacular day and get lots of treats and a pony. Love you!
    Oh, and my favorite was #10.

  5. Kaye - those are really great titles for books I would like to pre-order a copy of each. :) Happy Birthday! You are a truly fabulous person, love ya!

  6. Dear Kaye,
    Your are wonderful, special and unique for AT LEAST 50 different reasons. May I propose #26? Feed starving students, teach their babies big words and loan them a lawnmower when the need it. They will name new babies after you and love you and your family forever!
    We are so blessed to be in your friend collection,
    Peter and Amber Joyce + 5 more boys

  7. Happy Birthday Kaye! Thanks for sharing your list of 25! Good things to learn. I feel blessed to know you! Love you

  8. Love it, Kaye! I am so glad we both married Nelsons. I hope you had a happy birthday. Sorry my wish didn't come in a more timely manner.

  9. You're awesome. I think I may print out that list and post it somewhere in my house.
    I love you moigntastic!
