Sunday, July 24, 2011

Update on list for July

Riley gets home this Thursday so I still have time to do a few of these. Updates on my to-do list for July:

1) Go to the temple once a week - going tomorrow. Didn't do - The Provo Temple closed two days after I went the first time. I guess I could have gone to the Timpanogos Temple. Guess I could go this week ...
2) Start my book (on winning contests) - I have a list and the beginning. Hmmm. Could have done better on this ...
3) File the paperwork. I hate paperwork. DONE!
4) Put shelf liners in my cupboards (thanks Tamara). DONE!
5) Catch up on ironing. Did this tonight. DONE!
6) Clean out the storeroom - not really clean it OUT, just tidy it up. DONE!
7) Get the Tomb Room back in shape for guests. Amy helped with this and I've almost got it finished. DONE!
8) Eat better and exercise more. Hmmm. Well, I have been walking a couple times a week and weeding the garden - that counts, right? And I did walk 5 miles yesterday with Andrea. Now my hips and feet are paying for it. Eating better? Mostly. I could have lost a few pounds while Riley was gone. But I didn't. Oh well. I am eating more fruits and less candy now.
9) Keep the garden watered and weeded. I'm most proud about this. Every year when Riley is gone I weed twice - once halfway through his trip and once the day before he gets home. After weeding every few days this time, I've realized it's easier to knock out a few weeds than spend hours working at tons of them. Made me think about other crud in life - don't get so deep in negative things that it takes a lot of work to get out. Weed out the mistakes and sins before they pile up. I know. Profound.
10) Finish a project at work. Not done - but closer to getting done. Hopefully it will be done this week.
11) Get family reunion things ready. Hooray - I've done a lot on this. The theme is Wizard of Oz and I've planned some FUN stuff. I got lots of Oz stuff ready this weekend and I've been to the cabin three times to water and clean. My sister went last time and helped so the place is spiffy!

I am a goal setter. A list writer. It helps me to have it in ink so I can look at it and think about how to get it done. With Riley gone I've had a lot of alone time so things should be easier to do. Yet, I procrastinate some things. Looking at my list it seems I can do the tangible, mundane things but when it comes to "me" time - exercise, my book or going to the temple, I put those things last. I need to change that.

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