Thursday, July 30, 2009

Insanity reigns

I don't like reading blogs where people whine and complain. It's not enticing. So if you don't want to read this, don't. I'm basically writing this to get it down so that I can look back and see that I made it through a crazy time.

I'm not sure why my life has to be so busy. I've even cut out a number of things so that I can focus on the most important. Yet, I'm still swamped. Right now we have construction on the house. We need to pick out carpet. That means we need to move all the stuff off the carpet. Since the carpet will be out, we will paint the living room and get rid of the pink, yes it's pink, paint. That involves unloading the huge antique secretary by the front door and moving it, draining the fish tanks and moving them and moving the piano. All of this needs to happen in the next few days. I work Friday. I work Monday, including Monday evening. I go to camp Tuesday through Saturday. I still need to take care of my mom, and my husband, and my family, and my calling and my visiting teaching (probably won't get done ...) and sleep. At work the semester is winding down. That means a semester end party to coordinate, new editors to hire, grades that will be due, working out details for next semester and other heavy duty things. I think I need to use a lifeline.


  1. You'll look back on this and wonder how you did it. I do. But you are a true wonder woman. I do love you.

  2. Kaye - SLOW DOWN. You are making me tired!

  3. It is who you are my dear Kaye. If you didn't have a gazillion things going on in your life, you would not be happy. Just think of it this way. You are the HAPPIEST chick on the planet. Maybe the busiest, but the happiest. KJW
