Thursday, November 12, 2009

A fine balance

I like cleaning. I know, it's weird, but I like a clean house. I like organizing too. I'm not so anal as to alphabetize my spices but I do like things to be organized. "A place for everything and everything in its place." Yet I can't seem to stick with it these days. And I'm OK with that. Most areas in the house are clean and organized but behind closed doors lurks some untidy spots. And I DON'T CARE! I'm sure my obituary (some day) is not going to read "She was tremendously organized and kept a clean house." There are more important things on my plate right now than making sure all the sheets lay flat in a tidy pile in the linen closet or all the dishes in the dish drainer are put away every 15 minutes. I will, when I have time, straighten things -- I'm not giving up altogether. I just want less stress and if trying to get my storeroom organized stresses me out, I'm going to just avoid it. Until Riley notices. Even then, I might still ignore it.


  1. Would you like your obituary to read like that?

  2. because if you do, then we can make it so even if it's not true at this one point in your life. everyone has their piles! i'm surprised you're just now having them.

  3. Amy - I'm sure you'll take creative license with my obituary some day. Maegan, there have always been piles lurking. There are just more these days. And I straightened my storeroom yesterday, even after I wrote the entry.
