Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The last time I said I had some time on my hands I was made Relief Society president the following week. That was in 2001. Maybe that's the last time I felt I had time on my hands. So maybe I shouldn't even say it, or write it. I might be jinxing myself into some big time-consuming project if I say it. So I'll whisper it. I have some time on my hands. It seems odd. But I know what to attribute it to - my mother's new situation - her newfound health and the caregivers we hired to live with her.

During this past year, especially the last six months, I remember praying for certain things - for my mom to get better, that we could find help for her -- but I didn't count on all the extra blessings - the peace of mind, knowing she is not alone, the reduced burden of so many tasks that need attention at her house. I still take care of her finances, taxes, mail and bills, order her meds, talk to and take her to her doctors, buy some of her household items, take her to her hair appointment and other things. But the caregivers shop for her groceries, cook her meals, clean, do her laundry, help her with exercises, help her shower and dress, take care of her hearing aids and many other things. They have seamlessly filled in, taking over things I used to do.

It doesn't mean I don't go see my mom or that I don't want to - it's wonderful to be around her now that she isn't hurting as much and now that she is enjoying life again. And when I do spend time with her it's quality time - not working at keeping things up at her house. But the side effect is I get to spend so much more time in my own home - I have piles of things in corners that have been neglected for months, or longer. I've gone through them, organized, put things away, finished projects, started new ones. I've been able to read, exercise and get in the hot tub, which usually sits unused. I've been able to have breakfast with friends, play games with my daughters, watch movies with Riley, volunteer in the ward and spend more time on my calling. I hesitate to put this out there - it makes me nervous to have it be so good. But I'll take it as long as it lasts. And I'll get as much done as time allows, until I have to step it up again.


  1. That IS a big, brave statement to verablize. But I'm so glad that you finally have time to catch your breath and relax a little - you deserve it!

  2. Could you come do my laundry for me every Monday? :)
